Defying the Status Quo: Kehinde Wiley Retrospective

New York based contemporary artist Kehinde Wiley stirs a vibrant conversation about youth, power and potential in his upcoming retrospective Kehinde Wiley: A New Republic. Originating from the Brooklyn Museum, the much anticipated exhibit opens at the Phoenix Art Museum on October 7, 2016. The retrospective features nearly 60 paintings, sculptures, videos and stained glass windows.
Using a technique known as “street-casting,” Wiley first set out to photograph and recast assertive and self-empowered young men from local neighborhoods in the style of traditional European painting. Since then he has painted women, along with rap and sports stars, but has focused his attention largely on ordinary men of diverse cultural backgrounds. His iconic style combines elements from the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo art eras with contemporary subjects, eclectic color schemes and a multitude of modern cultural signifiers to present a new experience that challenges expectations.
“Throughout his fourteen-year career, Wiley has created a striking counterpoint between his contemporary subjects and the cultural traditions of representation,” said Gilbert Vicario, Selig Family Chief Curator of Phoenix Art Museum. “His work makes an effort to communicate issues around identity, class, power and authority with an authenticity that will resonate deeply with our audience.”

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