Bookmarked: Kristen Wilson

Recommends: The Fearless Organization by Amy C. Edmondson
Her Take
This book explores the concept of psychological safety in the workplace and how it can foster learning, innovation and growth. Psychological safety is the belief that one can speak up without fear of negative consequences, such as ridicule, rejection or punishment. As a leader of a community-focused organization, it has always been important to me to create a safe, inclusive environment where all team members are not only encouraged to bring their whole selves to work, but celebrated when doing so. Edmondson contends that psychological safety is essential for teams and organizations that want to succeed in the modern economy, where complex problems require collaboration, creativity and experimentation. This could not be truer for the nonprofit sector in which we operate through our work as AZ Impact for Good. The book provides practical guidance for creating and maintaining a culture of psychological safety, based on Edmondson’s extensive research and experience. It offers a compelling vision of what a fearless organization can look like and how it can achieve better outcomes for its customers, employees and stakeholders. It also challenges readers to reflect on their own assumptions, behaviors and mindsets, and to take action to improve the psychological safety of their teams and organizations. I also highly recommend viewing Amy’s TEDx Talk, where she introduces the concept of psychological safety and why it matters.”
Kristen Wilson has more than 19 years of experience leading efforts to support community stakeholders, including extensive involvement working with professional associations, Chambers of Commerce, and various community and business organizations, both public and private. She works to advance AZ Impact for Good’s mission to unite nonprofits and philanthropy to transform Arizona through education, advocacy and innovation. For more information, go to