Office Doors: A Day with Kim Graham

Office Doors: A Day with Kim Graham

CEO of Arizona Educational Foundation 4 A.M. >> IN THE STILL OF THE MORNING When I wake up, I get a jolt of caffeine with a cup of coffee to […]

Office Doors: A Day with Ivan Gilreath

President and CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale 6 A.M. >> POWERED BY DAILY DISCIPLINE I work out first thing in the morning, five to six days […]

Office Doors: A Day with Dan Stellar

5:30 A.M. >> RISE, SHINE AND RUN I exercise almost every day. On most mornings during the week, I run four to six miles and then go to the gym. […]

Office Doors: A Day With Matt Byrnes

Matt Byrnes is the senior Vice President of proprietary brands and sourcing at PetSmart 4:30 A.M.  >>  ME TIME I’m an early riser, and my mornings are my selfish time. […]

Office Doors: A Day with George Abrams

6:30 A.M. >> PREPARING TO PLAN The start of my day can include a 30-minute walk or drinking coffee while I go through emails and texts in preparation for the […]

Office Doors: A Day with Jonathan Robles

5 A.M. >> TAKING TIME TO FOCUS I’m an early riser and set aside time in the morning to pray and meditate to get myself focused for the day. Depending […]

Office Doors: A Day with Debbie Esparza

CEO of YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix 7 A.M. >> SLOW, STEADY & INTENTIONAL I have made an effort to start my day more slowly. At this stage of my life, I’m […]