A 2nd Act: Theater for Tomorrow

Childsplay helps young audiences understand the world and their place in it The phrase “past performance is no guarantee of future results” is often used in the financial industry. If […]

April 2020: Ruby Farias

April 2020 Honoree Ruby Farias Chair of the 2020 World of Wonder gala benefiting Childsplay Why do you support Childsplay? Childsplay is a wonderful organization that provides theater to children […]

Whimsical Gala Boosts Childsplay

Childsplay, a professional theatre company created to entertain children, hosted the Wonderland Gala on April 29 at Tempe Center for the Arts. Guests dressed to the whimsical Alice in Wonderland […]

Whimiscal Gala Boosts Childsplay

Childsplay, a professional theatre company created to entertain children, hosted the Wonderland Gala on April 29 at Tempe Center for the Arts. Guests dressed to the whimsical Alice in Wonderland […]