Next Doors: Not the Same Old Song & Dance

It’s been said that the best things come in twos. Here’s a great example of that.  Phoenix is fortunate to have a couple of great performing arts organizations that bring […]

Next Doors: Youth Movement

I’ve always felt that the characterization of generations and their qualities was a bit overhyped. Yes, a 50-year-old looks at the world differently than a 25-year-old, and yes, that 25-year-old […]

Next Doors: Meeting the Challenge

“Oh God, so much has changed.” That’s how Jodi Polanski, the founder and executive director of Lost Our Home Pet Rescue, describes the past few years. Some of that change […]

Next Doors: Forging New Paths

Phoenix is booming in a bunch of different ways. The tech sector is exploding, thanks to an influx of investment by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Intel and others. Our healthcare […]

Next Doors: Step by Step

Tracy Baynes’ original education was in oceanography. So how did she end up starting an education nonprofit in Arizona?  Baynes came to Arizona to work at BioSphere 2 a couple […]

Next Doors: Promise of a New Day

Many people think that people who are experiencing homelessness are always experiencing homelessness, or close to it. But nothing could be further from the truth, especially when the economic factors […]

Next Doors: Moving Arts & Culture Forward

A new initiative by Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust funds arts organizations throughout the Valley. There’s an old saying that if you give someone a fish, they will eat for […]

Next Doors: What a Difference a Decade Makes

The Fix.Adopt.Save. program dramatically reduces pet euthanasia and shelter intakes Ten years ago, the Valley had a really big problem when it came to homeless pets — there were just […]

Assistance League Gala Helps Children In Need

The Assistance League of Phoenix celebrated its 46th annual Celebration of Caring with a Havana Nights themed gala fundraiser on Saturday, April 1 at the Omni Scottsdale Resort and Spa […]