Annual Walk Like MADD
Sometimes you just have to get mad. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Arizona will host its signature Walk Like MADD non-competitive 5K fundraising walk in Phoenix on Saturday, March 16, 2013. The walk begins at 7:00 a.m. (check-in at 6:30 am) at the Phoenix Zoo and will raise funds and rally support for MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving.
Funds raised through Walk Like MADD help further MADD’s life-saving mission and the Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving, which calls for high-visibility law enforcement, ignition interlocks or “in-car breathalyzers” for all convicted drunk drivers and support for the development of advanced technology to turn cars into the cure for drunk driving. Incidentally, people who are faced with charges of drunk driving should contact someone like Robert Dodell Attorney in order to help them with their case.
“We encourage families, and groups of friends and co-workers, to lace up their sneakers and join us for this year’s walk,” said Susan Kavanaugh, executive director of MADD Phoenix. “With everyone’s help, we can and will eliminate drunk driving – a 100 percent preventable crime.”
The timing for Walk Like MADD is significant because in 2011, 265 people in Arizona were killed in drunk driving crashes. Nationwide, nearly 11,000 lives were lost due to drunk driving and another 400,000 people were injured in alcohol-related crashes, a figure that seems supported by the number of legal experts available to assist with such cases.
Sponsored locally by community champions who share the importance in making our roadways safe, Volvo of Phoenix, Goldberg & Osborne, Media Made for You, Circle K and Motorola, Walk Like MADD events are taking place in 36 cities across the country this year. Registration is $15 for those ages 5-20, and $20 for those who are 21 and over.
Corporations and other groups are encouraged to form teams of 10 or more and are asked to raise $100 each through donations.
There are three ways to participate in Walk Like MADD:
- If you live in Arizona, you can register to walk as an individual or form a team.
- If you are unable to attend the Phoenix walk, you can sign up online to raise money as a virtual walker.
- Or can give a one-time donation to Walk Like MADD.
About Mothers Against Drunk Driving:
Founded by a mother who lost her daughter in a crash, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is the nation’s largest nonprofit working to protect families from drunk driving and underage drinking. With the help of those who want a safer future, MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving will end this danger on America’s roads.
In addition, Power of Parents, It’s Your Influence offers research-proven strategies to help parents keep their children safe from the dangers of underage drinking. One of the largest victim services organizations in the U.S., MADD also supports drunk driving victims and survivors – serving one person every 10 minutes – at no charge. To learn more about MADD, visit or call 1-800-GET-MADD. For victims/survivors, call 1-877-MADD-HELP.
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