AFW’s Most Successful Turnout Yet

AFW 2013 AwardArizona Foundation for Women honored Goldie Hawn, Ernie Allen and Missy Anderson at the 17th Annual AFW Awards Luncheon on May 17, 2013 at the Phoenician Resort.  This year’s event was the most successful ever, raising more than $460,000 to help women and children’s programs in Arizona.

Goldie Hawn took the stage and accepted the Sandra Day O’Connor Lifetime Achievement Award for her work developing MindUp, a program which helps improve children’s focus and academic progress by educating them about how their brains work. The Hawn Foundation and MindUp have been helping children to live smarter, healthier and happier lives for over ten years.

“We’re not teaching math or reading – though those scores have gone up,” Hawn explained. “What we’re doing is bringing humanity back to the human and giving children and teachers a sense of purpose and optimism, and that thrills me.”

Ernie Allen was the first male recipient of the Voice for Women Award, and his contributions to fight against minor sex trafficking make him more than worthy. He has dedicated his career to fighting child exploitation, but, as he said at the luncheon, there is still much work to be done. He spoke of how trafficking has moved from the streets to online, and that there is a need for greater advocacy to affect change. “I accept this award as a challenge to do more,” said Allen.

Missy Anderson, a philanthropic leader in the community, was presented with the Marilyn R. Seymann Award for her charitable work. Anderson has been involved with AFW since its inception in 1997. “I follow my heart, and I follow my passion. My passion has always been supporting women and children,” said Anderson.

It is with this dedicated support of the more than 800 people who attended this luncheon that AFW can continue to fulfill its mission to promote the Safety, Health and Economic security of women and children in Arizona.

About Cindy Miller

From Frontdoors Magazine

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