Helping Homeless Veterans

Support veterans returning home.
More than 1,500 homeless and at-risk military veterans are expected to receive temporary haven and assistance during the 2013 Arizona StandDown, a three-day event beginning Friday, March 8 through March 10 at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix.
StandDown is a military term that refers to a brief period of time for a solider to leave an active combat area, to rest and regain strength before returning to battle. The Arizona StandDown seeks to offer a hand up to former members of the U.S. Armed Forces in the Valley who now battle with homelessness and life on the streets.
The event’s goals are to increase the community’s awareness of the plight of the homeless American veteran. A variety of social service providers are brought together to advise and assist veterans on reintegrating back into our communities via housing and support services. The event includes: a robust Municipal and Superior Court System, full service Motor Vehicle Division office on-site, Social Security Administration office, a myriad services housing programs, medical clinic, and other wellness services including acupuncture.
The event will begin at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, March 8, with a welcome from AZ Department of Veterans’ Services Director Joey Strickland and VA Health Care System Director Sharon Helman and other elected officials and guests.
As many as 1,500 homeless and at-risk military veterans are expected during the 3-day event. Door opening welcome featuring Directors Strickland and Helman and invited guests will occur at 7:30 a.m. on Friday morning.