Culinary Arts Program Brings More to the Table for Youth at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Arizona

At-risk youth from Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Arizona brought a super-sized helping of personal development and job readiness to the table during a recent luncheon at Devereux’s Residential Treatment Center (RTC) in Scottsdale. The luncheon capped an eight-week culinary arts program where youth obtain their Arizona Food Handler’s certificate, coinciding with July’s Culinary Arts Month […]

Devereux Arizona: A Servant Leader

Each month, Frontdoors News likes to spotlight nonprofit leaders in our community. We like to get inside the minds of our great leaders and find out what they’re really like.  Who are these people, really? This month we chose Devereux for helping children and adults with emotional, developmental, educational and cognitive needs. Often, great nonprofits […]