10 Questions: Tricee Thomas

When did your interest in fashion begin? My entire family has always loved fashion, but I was inspired by my grandmother. At the age of 4, I would play dress-up in her wardrobe and jewelry and thought it was the best thing in the world. I just knew it would be my life. Today, I […]

10 Questions: Matt King

Executive director of the Arizona Basketball Coaches Association Tell us about yourself. Do you have a background in basketball? I walked on as a basketball player at the University of New Mexico. I was a three-time all-state player in high school but was a Division II basketball player masquerading on a Division I team. My […]

10 Questions: Glen Spencer

1. Tell us about yourself. I’m very fortunate to be working in my second 
career as an HIV community leader following my own diagnosis in 2002, which ended my first career. I will live to see an end to the HIV epidemic! I’m also fortunate to have been partnered for 17 years, and 
we love […]

10 Questions with Steve Seleznow

President and CEO of the Arizona Community Foundation 1. You’re known as a visionary. What do you see ahead for our state? Arizona has many assets that make it a remarkable state. Our future will depend on how well we leverage our assets to improve the quality of life for everyone. With changing demographics, a […]