Kate Somerville at Neiman Marcus
In 2004, when she opened her medi-skin clinic, Kate Somerville on Melrose Place in Los Angeles, Kate Somerville felt she had been on an explosive path. Fortunately, it was a path to success.
“I had been working so hard, each step I landed on felt like a piece of the puzzle on Melrose place. The growth is unbelievable.”
An aesthetician, Somerville has worked in skincare for more than 20 years. As she watched plastic surgery, peels and other procedures, she saw firsthand what worked – and what didn’t.
“Because I have a clinic,” Somerville says, “I can test products. If they don’t work, I don’t bring them to market.”
Among her Hollywood faithful are Jessica Alba, Renee Zellweger, Annette Benning, Sandra Oh and Debra Messing. Since opening the clinic, she has continued to expand her product line, which addresses situations from puffy eyes to acne. The line is now sold at Neiman Marcus. The day I talked with her, she was in the Scottsdale store cosmetics department giving mini-facials.
Somerville believes in using only the highest quality ingredients in her products. “I know what is in my products, and I know they work. They are clinically developed, clinically tested and scientifically proven.”
What’s the first best thing you can do for your skin? Start to take care of it when you’re young, before it’s damaged. And before you begin a skin regimen, you have to know your skin type: Is it dry? Oily? A combination? Sensitive?
Here are Somerville's suggestions to improve and protect skin at every age:
In your 20s
Depending on where you live and the time of year, but generally, in the 20s, women have great skin. To keep it that way, exfoliate, moisturize with an antioxidant and protect it with sunscreen
In your 30s
Start on retinol. That’s when the collagen in your skin starts to fade. Turn over your skin cells. Exfoliation and hydration are key. Hyaluronic acid can provide extra moisture.
In your 40s
This is when treatments like laser therapy should come into play. You might add a deeper peel once a year. Continue using retinol. Use exfoliants and introduce peptide products to fight wrinkles.
In your 50s and 60s
You start to lose a lot of moisture. You hit menopause. This is the time to up your intake of omega-3 and omega-6. Topically, use a heavier cream, one with lots of lipids and oils. You need more hydration. Up your use of Retin-A or other exfoliants. Keep your treatments going.
If you’re thinking about a facelift, do it in your 50s.
Somerville’s book, “Complexion Perfection” explores beauty from the inside out. It’s not just skin deep, she says. Emotions, diet, stress – all can show on your skin. The book explores nutritional supplements and more and is available at bookstores and online at barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com.
– C. Miller