The Aggregate Debuts with First Annual ‘Stronger Together’ Luncheon

The Event: The Aggregate’s “Stronger Together” Luncheon benefiting Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center
Mission: The Aggregate’s mission is to connect, support and inspire women in law and beyond in modern and constructive ways. The Stronger Together event will benefit a different charity each year.
Founders: Juliet Burgess & Karen Bradshaw
Event Date: April 23, 2021
Venue: Mountain Shadows Resort
Fashion Show: Guests enjoyed an exclusive spring fashion show from Amy Atelier featuring FORD/Robert Black Agency fashion models and “Style Icons” from the Aggregate membership.
Notable Moments: Keynote speaker and founder Karen Bradshaw gave an educational and compelling presentation based on her newly released book: Wildlife As Property Owners: A New Conception of Animal Rights. All attendees received a copy of the book and several other gifts from Amy Atelier and other event sponsors.
Photos Courtesy of Michelle Moreau Photography

Second Row: Nicole Ricker, Juliet Peters, Caroline Pricher, Kathryn McCormick, Heidi Bayer, Annie Shoen, Francesca Godi, Lindsi Weber, Janel Glynn & Megan Irwin