‘Starry Night’ at Scottsdale Arts Celebrates 20th Anniversary of SMoCA

The Event: Starry Night, An Artrageous Gala
The Cause: Scottsdale Arts
Gala Chair: Oscar De las salas
Herberger Award for the Arts: Dr. Robert Knight, Founding Director of the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA)
Art Visionaries: Will Bruder // Sam Campana // Kathy Hotchner // Frank Jacobson // Carolyn Robbins // Randy Schilling // Valerie Vandala-Homer // Ellie Ziegler
Diamond Sponsor: Billie Jo & Judd Herberger
Event Date: December 7, 2019
Venue: Scottsdale Civic Plaza
Entertainment: Von Smith, AJ Odneal & Geibral Elisha, the Cultural Connections Dance Students of Desert Mountain High School
Dollars Raised: $300,000
Notable Moment: Guests arrived to a 300-foot red carpet under SMoCA’s latest instillation by Squidsoup, “Murmuration”.
Photo Credit: Haute Media