Brophy Fashion Show Tradition Continues with Innovation

Tess Burleson & Nancy Holben Bates, Fashion Show Chairs

The Event: Brophy Fashion Show 2020-2021 The Art of Fashion benefiting Brophy College Preparatory‘s Financial Aid Fund

Honorary Chairs: Adria Renke & Bob Ryan

Event Chairs: Tess Burleson & Nancy Holben-Bates

Runway Presentation: The Art of Fashion by Neiman Marcus followed by the class of 2021 in several local brands and the Brophy Varsity Shop

Event Date: March 25, 2021

Venue: JW Marriot Scottsdale Camelback Inn

Dollars Raised: $610,000

Notable Moments: The annual event, themed “Excellence In All Pursuits” took an innovative twist in several aspects. First it was the first in its 37 year history that combined with their auction and also because the runway started in the main event ballroom area and then carried into the outdoor space as family members socially distanced at tables of four, following all Covid safety protocols.

Photos courtesy of Brophy College Preparatory

President Renke and Principal Ryan present flowers to Auction chairs Abby Kerkhove and
Donna Cleinman.
Senior Ryan Loo takes a casual approach to fashion.
Senior Henry Palmer walks the runway representing the Brophy swim team.
Senior Cruz Stillwagon brings his own sense of style to the runway.
Senior Drew Savage accessorizes with Brophy soccer’s state championship trophy won in March.
Senior Jackson Schaub strikes a pose.
Senior Connor Pitts walks the runway representing Brophy hockey.
Tradition: Seniors line the runway at program’s end with roses for their mothers.
Principal Bob Ryan & President Adria Renke
Seniors keep busy with an impromptu soccer game backstage before the start of the program.
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