Xavier X Breakfast Has Record Turnout Crowd Wowed by Speakers
The Event: Xavier X Breakfast
The Cause: Legacy of Leadership Capital Campaign
Mission: The Legacy of Leadership Capital Campaign continues to fund Xavier’s Chapel of Our Lady, Founders Hall, Petznick Field, and the Activity Center.
Co-Chairs: Chris Burbach & Eden Higgins
Date held: Sept. 19, 2019
Venue: Xavier College Preparatory Founders Hall
Program Highlight: Haley Scott DeMaria, a 1991 Xavier grad and former
University of Notre Dame swimmer, spoke about surviving a
deadly bus accident when she was a freshman at Notre Dame.
Her book, “What Though the Odds,” chronicles her story of
loss, survival and finding happiness and a new level of spirituality.
Dollars raised: $250,000+
Photography provided by: David Willkie of Duke Photography

More in: The Scene