59th Annual Phoenix Heart Ball Boosts American Heart Association

Event Name: 59th Annual Phoenix Heart Ball

The Cause: American Heart Association

Mission: Funds raised by the Phoenix Heart Ball play an essential role in the American Heart Association’s lifesaving work, including innovative research, advocacy and education programs that positively impact cardiovascular health.

Event Chairs: Chairman: Carolyn Jackson, Vice-Chairmen: Sylvia Shoen and Dr. Ingrid Haas, Chairman-Elect: Kristine Thompson

Honorary Chairs: Honorary Chairmen: Nan and C.A. Howlett, Sweetheart: Beth McRae

Date: November 17, 2018

Venue: The Phoenician Resort and Spa

Entertainment: Entertainment was provided by West Coast Music’s Impulse accompanied by the Contemporary Rainbow Room Dance Orchestra

Notable Moment: The sold-out crowd of 750 guests enjoyed an elegantly decorated event filled with graphics, lighting and florals in red, black and chrome. Notable attendees included American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown, U.S. Senator Jon Kyl and Governor Doug Ducey.

Photo Credit: Scott Foust Studios and Tim Heit

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About Andrea Evans

Andrea Tyler Evans is the Publisher of Frontdoors Media. She can be reached at publisher@frontdoorsmedia.com.

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