Lyn Blakley Grant

Lyn Blakley Grant, a fashion executive, entrepreneur, interior designer and style-setter, died at her home in Phoenix, supported by family and friends, on the evening of April 26. The cause was metastatic colon cancer.


She received this incurable diagnosis 16 months ago, according to her husband, Jolyon Grant. He states they decided to salute life while treating her disease. Life returned the salute.


Fashion and beauty were in Lyn's DNA and were expressed both personally and professionally. Her career began at age of 15 in a dress shop at Uptown Plaza in Phoenix and continued through executive positions or ownership interests in such businesses as Diamonds, Goldwaters, Entz White Clothing Company and Tablescapes.


Throughout her life, Lyn Grant was naturally showcased by her inimitable sense of style. She most often complemented her slim profile and lithesome grace with Chanel black and sunglasses ebony; sunglasses serving as headband for impeccably coifed hair. Having spent so much time for Goldwater's in New York, she never lost her Fifth Avenue panache.


Perhaps one of Lyn's most endearing and enduring qualities was her ability not to take herself too seriously. She could laugh at herself, and did so often. It was a joy to be in her company. It was an honor to know her. It was a privilege to love her. Clearly, hers was a life well lived.


Lyn's way home was a journey of passion and devotion to the love of her life, Jolyon. In their 20-plus years together, Lyn and Jolyon forged a bond that ran deep with love and respect, compassion, joy, commitment, selflessness, gentleness, and an intellectual and artistic curiosity that could only be satisfied through frequent trips to Canada, Italy, England or France (especially Paris, where Lyn found her "soul"). The final trip to Paris for Lyn and Jolyon was last fall, where they shared their continuing love of Paris with both French and American friends.


Lyn faced her incurable cancer the same way she lived her life: with grace, humor, strength, incredible courage and the occasional glass of fine wine. She was an inspiration to her many, many wonderful friends and her family. 

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