Touching One Life At A Time

Trisha AnthonyI can say this because I know she is watching.  But, Trisha Anthony lives the walk that she talks.  Known for her high energy community work, Trisha seems to be every where and always on point with her latest pitch.
This is the woman who comes at you like a whirling dervish and infects you with her latest mission.  She is the consummate pitcher, standing on the mound of any cause close to her heart and before you know it, she has made you swing for that very issue.
Years ago, while enjoying the fickle sun at the outdoor cafe of the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC with my daughter, we ran into this ubiquitous Valley booster.  Camaley and I were in the Nation’s capitol, taking in the patriotic sights.  Over hot chocolate and chilly air, we were resting our weary feet before heading out to tour more monuments.
“Camaley,” I instructed.  “This is the center of political life!  You just never know who you will see.”  With motherly admonition, I barked, “Keep your eyes peeled!  Watch and learn.”  Truth be told, I was thinking African dictator, European royalty or maybe even someone as mundane as a US congressman.
All of a sudden those bright blue eyes of Trisha lasered in on the two of us.  She was bounding across Pennsylvania Avenue, just leaving the White House.  I can’t make this stuff up.  It’s really true.  Who is seen leaving the White House and someone you actually know?
The best part is that Trisha didn’t laud over us about her meeting location or purpose, but efficiently used her time to pitch me about an upcoming event back in Phoenix “that Frontdoors readers would just love!”
I fell in love even more with my life in Arizona that day.  It made me realize that we have an army of action in the Grand Canyon State that is inspiring and passionate.  And, it seems, they march in the most unusual places touching lives one at a time.
From the Heart…
Juliasignature WEB

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