Nina Mason Pulliam Trust Helps Free Arts Expand its Reach

The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust has donated $125,000 to help Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona expand its programming to foster and kinship families. Until now, Free Arts has provided programming for children in foster care group homes and emergency shelters, but thanks to the grant, the Free Arts Family Program can now help parents understand trauma-informed care and develop artistic tools to help the child and guardian bond.
With over 14,000 children in foster care in Arizona, the program’s grant-based extension will help children safely express themselves through the arts while building transferable life skills, creating self-efficacy and building resilience in a physically, emotionally and psychologically safe environment.
“Our staff and volunteers receive training that provides the base knowledge needed to safely interact with children who have experienced trauma due to abuse, neglect and homelessness,” said Free Arts executive director Alicia Sutton Campbell. “We also implement trauma-informed best practices into the design of our programs to ensure a sense of safety and comfort. This new program will expand our reach to parents and caregivers who can implement these skills as they build relationships in their homes.”
Started in 1993, Free Arts has served more than 140,000 children. Campbell estimates that Free Arts will be able to serve 200 families in the next 18 months under the expanded initiative. Upcoming programs will include Family Empowerment Nights and Professional Artist Series designed to promote healing, peace and harmony in the family unit.
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