New Heels at the Helm

New Heels at the HelmHowdy! I’m delighted to be joining the team at Frontdoors News. This newness has me waking up at odd hours of the night, not with a headache, but real excitement.
Although it is a new team with fresh ideas, it doesn’t mean I’m leaving anything out, especially Arizona’s dusty boots. That is why this issue will pay homage to Arizona’s past by sharing its legacy of its 100 Years, 100 Ranchers. These photos are the real deal.
To pull the shades up further, we highlight one woman making a difference in the lives of many at one of oldest social service agencies in Arizona. Meet Florence Crittenton’s new CEO Dr. Kellie Warren.
From boots to heels, we’ve got a lot going on.
Cory Galvan Signature Blue

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Frontdoors Media celebrates the people and groups who give generously and work to build the future of our community. It’s the premier source of information – and inspiration – for those who strive to make the Valley of the Sun a better place to live.
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