Cheers to the Chairs! Honoring Kenny Farrell

Kenny Farrell, board chair of Arizona Animal Welfare League. Photos by Jonathan Willey and Jordan Megenhardtt.

Cheers to the Chairs! Kenny Farrell, board chair of Arizona Animal Welfare League

How did you get involved with Arizona Animal Welfare League?

AAWL and the Arizona Diamondbacks have been community partners for many years, and it was through this relationship that I first learned about AAWL and the great work they are doing in our community.

Why do you support AAWL?

I am an animal lover, most importantly, but I also love the impact AAWL has on both humans and animals as we find great homes for our animals and see the impact they have on improving the lives of so many people in Arizona.

Surprising fact about you:

I have spent my entire career with the Arizona Diamondbacks. I started with the team during the inaugural season of 1998 and have had an excellent opportunity to grow my career within the organization.

Proudest accomplishment:

Working in professional sports, I always find it rewarding to see our fans’ joy and the memories they create with their families when they attend our games.

Favorite quote:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It is important that we always learn from our mistakes and make adjustments to gain improvement.

Best advice you’ve ever received: 

Focus on the things you can control. This is always great advice but has been more important than ever in the last year as the only certainty has been uncertainty.

Favorite journey:

My wife and I got the chance to enjoy a trip through Italy in 2019. Fine art, amazing history and wonderful food make this the best journey.

To learn more about the Arizona Animal Welfare League, go to

To nominate your Board Chair or Event Chair(s) to be featured in Cheers to the Chairs!, please click here!

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