Bookmarked: Casey Strunk

Casey Strunk, 2020-2021 board chair for Executive Council Charities and president of the Strunk Insurance Group


“Lead … for God’s Sake” by Todd G. Gongwer

His Take

“If you are like me, you have a stack of books on your nightstand that someone said you MUST read. These books are about leadership, business building, motivational techniques, sales and more. It can be daunting to try to digest and implement all the guidance out there for business owners today.

“‘Lead … for God’s Sake’ is a fiction-based book that centers around a high school basketball coach, a janitor and a CEO. The story draws you in and the message could not be clearer. Too often, we are focused on the idea of success and whatever that means in our own life. This book attempts to remind us of our greater purpose.

“Think about some of the most outstanding leaders in history: Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr. If you asked any of them why they did what they did, they would have been able to answer you in a heartbeat.

“They were all passionately focused on the interests of others, not on themselves. Interestingly, in each of their cases, there was a central focus on a relationship with their Creator, too.”

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