10 Questions With…Kathie Lee Gifford

Celebrated entertainer and four-time Emmy winner
It’s a new year! What’s on your wish list for 2022?
I’m excited to start a brand-new year. This past year has been one of the busiest of my life, and I’ve enjoyed it so much. I have a new film that I’ve been working on for several years called “The Way,” which will debut (Lord willing) at Easter time, followed by a companion book, “The God of the Way,” with my friend, Rabbi Jason Sobel, which will be out late August.
You look so vibrant these days. Any healthy living tips you can share?
Everything in moderation, and enjoy every sip and every morsel with an attitude of gratitude.
Do you have a favorite, nutritious snack you count on during a busy day?
Unsalted peanuts; love them!
Can you share any takeaways you learned from living through the pandemic?
I think it was God’s way of creating a forced Sabbath for all of us because we very rarely follow the commandment to rest. I loved having so much quality time with my family and close friends.
What are you most looking forward to as we return to more in-person activities?
Seeing smiles and hugging necks!
You’ll be coming to town for the 18th Annual Childhelp Drive the Dream Gala in February. When did you get involved with Childhelp?
Decades ago.
What impressed you about the organization?
What impressed me and continues to is the devotion of its founders, Sara O’Meara and Yvonne Fedderson, two amazing women of God.
When you are here in Arizona, what do you like to do?
I enjoy time with my friends there and get a little sunshine.
What’s your motto these days?
Same as always, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
Anything you’d like readers to know?
Don’t be afraid of new seasons in your life. They’re full of treasures and blessings, if you’re open to them.