Phoenix Theatre’s 2016 Applause! Gala

Almost 400 Phoenix Theatre supporters donned their Broadway best on Oct. 21 to celebrate the 2016 Applause! Gala honorees. The unique event includes a cocktail reception, dinner and a one-time-only performance that celebrates the year’s honorees through their favorite musical theater songs. Proceeds support Phoenix Theatre’s work on stage as well as its education and community outreach programs.

The 2016 honorees are:

• Carolyn and Craig Jackson, Pope Humanitarian Award

• Lynne Love, Woman Who Cares Award

• Karrin Kunasek Taylor, Woman Who Cares Award

• The Honorable Neil Giuliano, Man of Character Award

Janet and Larry Read, Angels of the Art Award

Pat McMahon, Lifetime Achievement Award

Jean Marley and Susie Wesley co-chaired the event with Abby Traister and McKenna Wesley as their vice chairs.


Applause! Gala (5) crop

Bob Smith, Deanna Clarkson Smith, and Nan Howlett crop

Bob Smith, Deanna Clarkson Smith and Nan Howlett

Carolyn & Craig Jackson and the Applause! Gala Actors crop

Carolyn and Craig Jackson and the Applause! Gala actors

Darlene Keller-Price, Carla & Douglas Goodyear, and John Price crop

Darlene Keller-Price, Carla and Douglas Goodyear, and John Price

Karrin Kunasek Taylor, Edward Robson, and The Honorable Neil Giuliano crop

Karrin Kunasek Taylor, Edward Robson and The Honorable Neil Giuliano

Kim Cullum and Nancy Hanley crop

Kim Cullum and Nancy Hanley

Kory Leadon and Abby Traister crop

Susie Wesley and McKenna Wesley; Kory Leadon and Abby Traister

Marylou Stephens and Jo Finks crop

Marylou Stephens and Jo Finks

Richard Warren, Janet & Larry Read, and the Applause! Gala Actors crop

Richard Warren, Janet and Larry Read, and the Applause! Gala actors

Robby Kolby Harper, Billie Jo Herberger, and Auctioneer Jim Jungers crop

Robby Kolby Harper, Billie Jo Herberger and auctioneer Jim Jungers

Robert Machiz and Auctioneer Jim Jungers crop

Robert Machiz and auctioneer Jim Jungers

Sandy & Mac Magruder, Pat McMahon, and the Applause! Gala Actors crop

Sandy and Mac Magruder, Pat McMahon and the Applause! Gala actors

Tom Simplot, Karrin Kunasek Taylor and the Applause! Gala Actors crop

Tom Simplot, Karrin Kunasek Taylor and the Applause! Gala actors

Ira Gaines, Cheryl Hintzen-Gaines, The Honorable Neil Giuliano, and the Applause! Gala Actors crop

Ira Gaines, Cheryl Hintzen-Gaines, The Honorable Neil Giuliano and the Applause! Gala actors

Mr. and Mrs. James Manley crop

Mr. and Mrs. James Manley

Applause! Gala (3) crop


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