Phoenix Celebrates Inaugural “602 Day”

On June 2 — or 6/02 — the City of Phoenix will officially observe 602 Day. 602 Day is an opportunity to celebrate Phoenix, and its longest-standing area code, as a great place to live, work and enjoy life.

Many communities across the country celebrate an area code day. 602 is Phoenix’s most prominent and historically significant area code, established in 1947 by AT&T. As part of the nationwide telephone numbering plan, the state of Arizona was assigned 602 since the population was not large enough to warrant more than one area code. For the next 48 years, 602 dominated until 520 was established, splitting Metro Phoenix (602) and the rest of the state.

The City of Phoenix is commemorating 602 Day by working with local businesses and organizations to promote events and community engagement opportunities that cultivate civic pride. This year, more than 100 participants, including attractions, restaurants, shops and community organizations, are joining the festivities by offering special $6.02 deals or hosting events.

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego said, “We are excited to launch 602 Day festivities in Phoenix to celebrate the incredible place we all call home. I invite residents to join their friends and families for a day or two of fun showing support for small businesses and iconic Phoenix institutions. Let’s show the world how we 602!”

The community is encouraged to celebrate Phoenix by participating in the festivities and taking advantage of the deals on June 2 and in the days leading up to 602 Day. June is typically the start of the slower season for many local businesses, and 602 Day aims to kick off the summer with local pride.

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About Julie Coleman

Julie Coleman is a contributing writer for Frontdoors Media. She is Principal of Julie Coleman Consulting, providing strategic philanthropy consulting services for individuals, families, businesses, foundations and nonprofit organizations.
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