AZ Blue Builds Postpartum Kits for New Moms
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Foundation for Community & Health Advancement hosted a Day of Action to support the mental health of new moms across Arizona. On May 22, AZ Blue employees built 125 postpartum kits and affirmation cards for mothers and babies to recognize Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month.
In the latest Arizona Department of Health Services report, pregnancy-related deaths increased by 44 percent, and the leading cause was maternal mental health.
The postpartum kits will be distributed to maternal health agencies, including 4th Trimester Mama Support Villages, Women’s Health Innovations of Arizona and Hope Women’s Center.
The Community Collective Day of Action was accompanied by a webinar on May 21. The community was invited to hear from Dr. Kathryn Emerick, a perinatal psychiatrist, and Elizabeth Wood, co-founder of Matrescence: 4th Trimester Planning + Support. The two shared what is working well in maternal mental health, what’s left to be done and ways the public can help to ensure that no family suffers in silence.
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