Helping Kids with Life Threatening Illnesses

Kodette LeBarberaEvery month Frontdoors spotlights a great giver of time in our community.  With so many charity events happening we want to know, who are the people behind them? Why do they do this? This month we spotlighted Kodette LeBarbera as she takes on the Ryan House Community Breakfast.
Losing someone is never easy.  It’s those last days you spend together that you always hold. For children with life-threatening illnesses those last days are the toughest on their life and on their families. Ryan House knows that every moment, touch and smile counts.  Learn and support Ryan House at its annual community breakfast chaired by Jason and Kodette LaBarbera on Friday May 10, 2013 at the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa.
Getting to Know Kodette LeBarbera…
Finish the statement, “I am…

  • Relaxed by…           swimming and yoga
  • Angered by…          inhumane acts of violence
  • Charmed by…        my children’s laughter
  • Led by…                   my moms strength and dedication
  • Moved by…            charitable people
  • Inspired by…        my husbands work ethic
  • Amused by…         things my kids say!

Personal Motto Is… “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and “Life is better when you’re laughing.”
How long have you been involved with this organization?   Four years
Why do you have a passion for this organization?  I enjoy being around children and want to help make their lives better in any way possible.

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Frontdoors Media celebrates the people and groups who give generously and work to build the future of our community. It’s the premier source of information – and inspiration – for those who strive to make the Valley of the Sun a better place to live.
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