DreamCatchers, A Fulfiller of Wishes for the Terminally Ill, Receives $10K From Thunderbirds Charities

Mountain View High School students volunteering as DreamCatchers with a patient

A nonprofit organization that makes dreams come true for the terminally ill can now fulfill even more end-of-life wishes for hospice patients, thanks to a $10,000 donation from Thunderbird Charities.

With the donation, volunteers with the Hospice DreamCatcher Foundation Inc., which is widely known as “DreamCatchers,” will be able to expand its reach within Maricopa County and ensure that even more local patients get to live out their dreams alongside loved ones.

“We are incredibly excited and grateful for the support provided through this grant by the Thunderbird Charities,” said DreamCatchers Founder and President Caitlin Crommett. We will now have the capacity to increase our presence here in Maricopa County — our home county — and impact more hospice patients and young students in the area. We are proud to be based in such a supportive community, and we can’t wait to make a greater difference than ever with the support of the Thunderbirds.”

Currently, DreamCatchers chapters operate at high schools and colleges throughout Arizona and across 13 states, with each chapter partnering with a local hospice organization to help identify and fulfill the needs of its patients. To date, the organization has fulfilled more than 100 dreams for the terminally ill.  

“We’re extremely happy to help Hospice DreamCatcher Foundation in their efforts to benefit our local communities,” said Thunderbirds Charities President Carlos Sugich. “These DreamCatchers are the leaders of the future, and we’re thrilled to see such a positive impact from our young people.”


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