Boys & Girls Clubs Participants Present Art, Innovative Ideas at Inaugural Event

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale participants presented their visual, digital and performing artwork at the first annual Dream-Makers Expo earlier this month at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts.
Artwork included drawings, paintings, and mix media pieces created by participants at all nine Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale.
Several branches also prepared live performances which included Native Hoop dancing, cheerleading, hip-hop dancing, Flamenco dancing, and a theatre skit.
In addition to the art exposition, the event also featured a new Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale program called “What’s Your Vision,” which encouraged participants to utilize their entrepreneurial skills to solve problems in communities.
Groups presented their ideas with device prototypes, business cards and proposed budgets.
“Teaching our kids how to use their imaginations to solve real world dilemmas is one of the most valuable skills we can give them,” said Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale president and CEO Dr. Lisa Hurst. “It is so important to give these kids a safe and constructive place for them to explore their talents and ideas. Our community’s future thought-leaders and innovators are within Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale doors.”
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