A 2nd Act: On Point

At some point in time, most little girls are enchanted by ballerinas: the tutus, the toe shoes, the twirls. If those thoughts went through Jami Kozemczak’s mind, they were brief. […]

A 2nd Act: Painted Perspective

Melissa Rupoli-Katz didn’t know the title but was immediately drawn to a painting at the inaugural “Hues for Hope” fundraiser. It wasn’t her typical taste in art, being what she […]

A 2nd Act: The Pinky Swear

Bringing health to more Arizona women A favorite game in our household is Memory. After laying out cards facedown, you flip them over two                […]

A 2nd Act: So Kids Don’t Have to Feel Alone

one•n•ten improves self-esteem and self-acceptance among LGBTQ+ youth “A lot of people have to wait until they retire to do something they’re passionate about,” Nate Rhoton’s stepfather observed. But Rhoton […]

A 2nd Act: Hear the Desert Dragons Roar

The goal of the Desert Dragons team is to extend its support network to the many women and men diagnosed with breast cancer in the Phoenix area each year. Melissa […]

A 2nd Act: Singing With Joy

Allan Naplan and Arizona Musicfest are igniting minds with music As a young man, he played the trumpet. This wasn’t a surprise since Allan Naplan’s mother was a music teacher […]

A 2nd Act: Abilities, Not Disabilities

Pursuing a life of good works from a wheelchair is an inspiring second act. Creating a second second act from a wheelchair is above and beyond. But then, Jamie Heckerman […]

A 2nd Act: Food Is Love

Barro’s Pizza gives back, one slice at a time “We’re Italian, and food is love!” Gina Barro said enthusiastically. From its roots in Italy with Grandmother Angelina to the 40 […]