Snap. Find. Shop.


New Neiman Marcus app

provides 3-D fashion

search and purchase



Next-generation, real-world shopping is now available on a new Neiman Marcus app call Snap. Find. Shop., available for download from the iTunes app store for use on iPhones.

The visual search technology allows NM app users to simply snap an image of fashion items and instantly be provided with all close-matching products currently available from From “snap” to “shop,” these items are then purchasable at the exact moment of capture. NM introduces Snap.Find.Shop. with shoes and handbags. Additional fashion categories will be considered in the future.

“Today, most online shopping begins with search – either through key words or navigating filters, and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words,” says Wanda Gierhart, chief marketing officer, Neiman Marcus Group. “Visual search removes hurdles, taking you directly from inspiration to gratification. In essence, Snap. Find. Shop. Is a revolutionary way to service our customers at any time and any place.”

The app is free. To download, CLICK HERE.


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