2020 Barrow Grand Ball Raises Record $8.3 Million

Barrow Women’s Board President Amy Thurston, Dr. Michael T. Lawton and Ball Co-Chairs Christine Watson & Tahnia McKeever

The Event: 2020 Barrow Grand Ball

The Cause: Barrow Neurological Foundation with special support of the Sonntag Spine Center

Event Co-Chairs: Women’s Board Members Tahnia McKeever & Christine Watson

Event Date: January 18, 2020

Venue: Arizona Biltmore

Dollars Raised: $8.3 million

Notable Contributions: In addition funding for the Sonntag Spine Center, funds raised will also support Barrow research in critical areas including Alzheimer’s, aneurysm, brain tumor, headache, Parkinson’s, spinal disorder and stroke. Jacquie and Bennett Dorrance and the Dorrance Family Foundation have endowed the Dorrance Chair of Vascular Neurology with Dr. Michael Waters being named chair. And, a gift from Barbara Anderson was also announced towards the purchase of a second Barrow Emergency Stroke Treatment Unit (BESTU) to double the coverage of this innovative program bringing the emergency department to a patient’s driveway, providing life-saving care.

Dollars Raised: $8.3 Million

Photo Credit: Jared Platt of Platt Photography

Earl Petznick, Jr. with Pat Petznick & Earl Petznick, Sr.
Sandy Magruder & Erin Gogolak
Jacquie & Bennett Dorrance
Ann Denk, Tahnia McKeever, Dr. Volker Sonntag, Mary Ellen McKee, Sandy Hecomovich & Amy Thurston
Betty Van Denburgh with her son David
Caryl Kyl & Former U.S. Senator Jon Kyl
Jan & Tom Lewis
Gorgeous Centerpieces by White House Design
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