Museum Hires New Education Director


Kaela Hoskings will join 

Phoenix Art Museum as its new 

Gerry Grout Education Director

on Aug. 17, 2015. 



Kaela Hoskings is currently the director of education at Artpace in San Antonio, Texas, one of the premier artist residency and exhibition programs in the world.

During her tenure at Artpace, Hoskings expanded the museum’s community outreach and increased overall attendance for education participation by 77 percent. She was also responsible for cultivating interest and public support for large-scale programs, like Chalk it Up that had attendance of more than 22,000 in 2014, and created initiatives to leverage the organization’s mission with new audiences to include Artpace After Hours and You[th]Pace Teen Art Council, resulting in an increase in educational funding opportunities. 

One of Hoskings’ leading accomplishments is being awarded the “Museum Education Division Outstanding Art Educator of the Year 2014” from the Texas Art Education Association. She brings her classroom teaching experience to connect with the community and is no stranger to the funding, grant and administrative process. Hoskings is currently a member of the Texas Art Education Association, an executive board member of Contemporary Art Month and a proud member and representative of the Girl Scouts of the USA and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.


“Kaela Hoskings is uniquely qualified to expand Phoenix Art Museum’s audience

with her high energy, creativity and dedication to community outreach,”

says Amada Cruz, The Sybil Harrington Director at Phoenix Art Museum. She adds,

“We are thrilled to have her leading the excellent education team at the museum.”


For more information about Phoenix Art Museum, CLICK HERE

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