Community Leader and Philanthropist Nancy Hanley to be Honored at Fresh Start Celebration

Nancy Hanley’s passions are many: art, the Phoenix Suns, the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Arizona Cardinals (she was especially into the Cardinals this year!). Clearly in a separate category is her family – her 48-year marriage to her late husband, Lee; her son and two daughters; and her seven grandchildren, who range in age from 4 to 20, call her Nana and fill her home with their energy and activities during family gatherings.

She also is passionate about her community and the many organizations she has supported throughout the years. She has served on the Heart Ball committee since 1990 and as chair in 1995; she’s a longtime member of the Women’s Board of Barrow Neurological Foundation, co-chaired the Barrow Grand Ball in 2006 and was chairman of the board in 2010 – 2011; and she is a current member of the  Phoenix Art Museum Board of Trustees. In addition, there’s a new group she’s involved in for Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Wings is a “board of grandmothers,” she says, and “it’s just in the baby stages.” The name is an acronym for “When in Need Grandmas Serve.”

Fresh Start Women’s Foundation is among the many causes that are dear to Hanley. She embraced the organization’s philosophy from the day when her friend and Fresh Start co-founder Pat Petznick shared with her the vision she and her sister, Beverly Stewart, had for helping women who find themselves suddenly becoming the sole support of their families through changed life circumstances. The mission appealed to her.

“I have great admiration for Pat and Beverly, two exceptional women who had a powerful vision, heartfelt passion and amazing perseverance to help all women in need of support. Their dedication to that cause brought about the founding of Fresh Start,” Hanley says.

She also has admiration for the way Fresh Start has developed since it was founded in 1992. “Pat and Beverly have continued to develop Fresh Start very carefully and responsibly. They, their staff and volunteers have met their goals by providing programs that empower women to help themselves through education and personal development. Their vision, passion and dedication is extraordinary!” Hanley says.

When Fresh Start Women’s Foundation celebrates 20 years of the Fresh Start Gala on March 12, Hanley will be recognized with the Founders’ Award.

Nancy Hanley with Celebration honorary chairs Ina and Murray Manaster and Fresh Start co-founder Pat Petznick

Nancy Hanley with Celebration honorary chairs Ina and Murray Manaster and Fresh Start co-founder Pat Petznick

The organization couldn’t have named a worthier or lovelier honoree. She and Lee were both early champions for Fresh Start. Hanley remembers bowling at Meet Me In The Alley, a 1993 affair that was one of the very first Fresh Start fundraising events. She also recalls the makeovers Fresh Start provided at Rolf’s and Lee’s company, Vestar, buying a table at an early Fresh Start Fashion Gala at Saks Fifth Avenue. “At the gala several years ago, my late husband Lee was asked to take the stage to conduct an ‘ask’ during the evening. Although this was not in his comfort zone, Lee so greatly believed in what Fresh Start stood for and was doing to help women that he gladly accepted this request to help raise funds on the spot.”

In her gracious way, Hanley makes the Founders’ Award seem more about the organization than about herself. When Cathy Kleeman, Fresh Start vice president of development, called to ask if she would agree to be honored at the 20th Celebration of the Fresh Start Gala, Hanley was genuinely surprised. But then, she thought about all the years she has felt so strongly about Fresh Start and decided she would accept. “I have been supportive of Fresh Start from the very beginning and feel it is such a blessing and treasure in our community. I am humbled and honored to have been asked to receive the Founder’s Award at the Fresh Start Gala.”

Pam Overton Risoleo has been a member of the Fresh Start Executive Board from its inception. Risoleo, a partner in the law firm Greenberg Traurig, is co-chairing the March 12 gala with her husband, Jim Risoleo. She couldn’t be more pleased with the selection of this year’s honoree. “Nancy and Lee were committed from the very early years of Fresh Start, and their contributions and commitment were critical to the organization. There is no one more deserving of the Founders’ Award than Nancy Hanley. We are so grateful for her generosity and never-ending support,” Risoleo says.

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Tessa Mansour

The evening promises a special treat for Hanley and all of the guests. Her granddaughter Tessa Mansour, who is 17 and lives in Laguna Beach, is a classically trained vocalist who opened Celebrity Fight Night in spring 2015 with “God Bless America“ and sang the national anthem last July at an Angels – Red Sox game. She and her sister, Isabel, will be attending the 20th Celebration of the Fresh Start Gala with their parents, Lisa and John Mansour. Tessa will perform at the celebration.

Hanley looks forward to a special evening. “When I look at the success of Fresh Start and fully realize the magnitude of how helpful that organization has been to so many women who have nowhere else to turn, I believe it is one of the most powerful and effective organizations in our community.”


“Where the Past Meets the Future”
March 12, 2016
The Phoenician
Founders’ Award Recipient: Nancy Hanley
Co-chairs: Pam Overton Risoleo and Jim Risoleo
Honorary chairs: Ina and Murray Manaster


About Cindy Miller

From Frontdoors Magazine

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