Publisher’s Page, August 2017: Arts Angels Among Us

I’ve been lucky to experience beautiful art all of my life. I grew up going to public school with experienced instructors that taught music, choir, drama and lessons on drawing, painting and pastel techniques. We submitted our best work to be displayed at the Los Angeles County Fair and many played an instrument or took dance classes in addition to sports. I loved to dance (tap, ballet, jazz) and I played the clarinet (until it was time for braces). I saw Annie at the Shubert Theatre when Molly Ringwald played an orphan in the cast. I was not an artist by any means but I appreciated and loved to attend performances and exhibits whenever invited to do so.

Today, as a parent of an 11- and 6 year-old, their schools do provide some art instruction, but it’s a fraction of what I had. What they have instead is access to amazing museums, cultural experiences, performances, concerts, and City of Phoenix after-school programs – many of which are free to them thanks to funding for field trips, student tickets and special “free” days for the community. To make this happen for my children and their friends across the Valley of th Sun, there are several special families that I would like to thank for leading the charge for these opportunities: the Herberger Family, the Steele Foundation and the Dorrance Family Foundation.

I had the incredible honor of meeting the late Katherine “Kax” and G. Robert Herberger 20 years ago when they were honored by the Phoenix Symphony for their 50th Anniversary and I was on staff. They were kind, humble and their generosity meant stability to so many organizations when other funding sources were ever-changing throughout the 90s. Jeanne and the late Gary Herberger continued the tradition as they served not only as philanthropists for the arts but also active board members and fundraising event chairs. And today, Billie Jo and Judd Herberger are continuing the legacy of generosity.

Since my days at the Symphony, I have also continued to notice the ever-present support of the Steele Foundation with Dan Cracchiolo at the helm as well as the Dorrance Family. To all of these families and so may others that have continued to give: thank you for being the arts angels for my son and daughter. I hope they will be able to thank you in person at a show this season.

I look forward to seeing you at one of the performances, exhibits or experiences listed in our first Frontdoors Fall Arts & Culture Directory soon!

About Andrea Evans

Andrea Tyler Evans is the Publisher of Frontdoors Media. She can be reached at
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