Arizona Foundation for Women Releases ‘2020 Status of Women in Arizona’ Report

AFW Board Member Monica Lindstrom introduced the online presentation of the 2020 report

Arizona Foundation for Women (AFW) released its 2020 Status of Women in Arizona Research report during a virtual event for the community on Jan. 26. 

The 2020 Status of Women in Arizona report brings to light how Arizona women fare in the categories of safety, health and economic empowerment, with additional data and research on the effects of COVID-19 on women.

The results spotlights women’s issues in need of change, and AFW works to bring awareness of these issues. AFW provides grants to local nonprofit programs designed to implement long-term positive change around the safety, health and economic empowerment of women.

The 2020 research report brings attention to the highs and lows for women in Arizona in comparison to the last research report completed in 2016.

· Arizona is ranked 7th in the nation for the highest rate of females killed by males.

· Arizona women employed full-time, on average lose a combined total of nearly $13 billion each year due to the wage gap.

· Females continue to outpace males as undergraduate enrollees in two- and four-year post-secondary institutions.

“The Status of Women in Arizona research reports are essential to our local communities and state. Women represent the majority as it relates to overall spending and caregiving of family in their households. Knowing the barriers that confine women is essential to our overall state’s economy and individuals’ well-being,” said Arizona Foundation for Women CEO, Mesha Davis. “The data indicates where we need to focus as a community for systematic and positive change. When women succeed, we all succeed.”

The report features articles from community leaders, educators, researchers and advocates, including Amanda Aguirre, President and CEO at Regional Center for Border Health, Inc , Elizabeth Ayers-Cluff, CEO of Impact One Breast Cancer Foundation, Belinda Barclay-White, Board-certified Radiologist, Erik L. Bauer, Attorney at Law, Law Office of Erik L. Bauer, Letitia Frye, Auctiontainer and Author, Alika Kumar, Executive Director, Phoenix MBDA Business Center and Dr. Cassia Spohn, ASU Regents Professor.

The full digital report is available for download at To see a recording of the report presentation, click here.

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