Top Art Classes to Take This Fall
Art classes aren’t just for kids — they’re just as enriching and fun for adults. While many people enjoy all the great art in our city, you might be apprehensive about creating your own. That’s why we put together this list of unique classes for aspiring artists of all ages to get you started in what might be your next favorite hobby.
Travel Sketching with John Erwin
Shemer Art Center
August 4 – August 25 Fridays 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Prepare for your holiday travels with this all-level class that will teach you how to quickly sketch and watercolor in a travel journal while traveling to create your own beautiful memories.
Experimental Water Media with Sue Hunter
Shember Art Center
September 12 – October 24 Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Try something new by combining medias such as tar gel, molding past and alcohol inks with more traditional watercolor and fluid acrylics to add variety and texture to your paintings.
Mirror, Mirror with David Jarvinen
Thunderbird Arts Center
September 7 – September 14 Thursdays 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
In this unique class, artists of all abilities, will create an 8×12 mosaic mirror complete with grouting.
Master Essential Digital Camera with Lloyd Lande
Thunderbird Arts Center
September 11 – October 2 Mondays 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Ever wonder why your digital camera photos aren’t as good as the pros? This introductory class might be the answer. You’ll learn the basic workings of your camera including exposure and composition.
Abstract Mark Monotype with Wendy Willis
Thunderbird Arts Center
October 10 – October 24 Tuesday 6:00 – 8:45 p.m.
Learning a new skill can be stressful — but in this abstract monotype class you can rejoice in knowing you can’t make a mistake. Throughout the three-week course you’ll create multiple 4 x 4 inch monotypes that will be more than worthy of a prominent place in your home.
Holiday Card Workshop with Wendy Willis
Thunderbird Arts Center
November 9 – November 16 Thursday 6:00 – 8:45 p.m.
What better way to get into the holiday spirit than a custom holiday card workshop? In this class, you’ll have the opportunity to create a custom design that will be printed on 10 blank cards. Your family and friends will love the custom touch!
Beginning Art Jewelry: Fabrication Basics by Victoria Altpeter
Mesa Arts Center
August 28 – December 11 Mondays 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
In this beginner class, you’ll gain the creative freedom of learning how to make your own jewelry — including earrings, rings, pendants and brooches.
Flameworking: Borosilicate: Beginning by Laurie Nessel
Mesa Arts Center
August 29 – October 10 Tuesdays 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
While it may sound a bit dangerous, this flameworking class is very safe, even for those as young as 13. Learn basic techniques like cutting and bridging and by the end of the seven-week class you’ll be creating small sculptures and hollow pendants.
Stained Glass by Troy Moody
Mesa Arts Center
October 24 – December 5 Tuesday 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Learn one of the world’s most traditional and celebrated art practices — stained glass. The curriculum includes leading techniques, design principles and glass paints and stains. Participants will also learn how to make custom decals.