Time to Get Radical

Sisters develop skincare line to

address event the most sensitive skin


One sister developed rosacea; the other began to see small signs of aging on her face. In this case, necessity truly was the mother of invention.

Shortly after her second child was born, Rachel Edlich developed extensive rosacea on her face. About that same time, Liz Edlich noticed wrinkles and loss of elasticity in her skin. She was just 46. The sisters have dubbed themselves “Sisters on a Mission.” Together, they decided to develop a product that would address both of their issues, in a radical way and without thought to selling it for financial gain. Thus was born Radical Skincare.

They hired top scientific expert Lionel de Benetti and gave him free rein to use only the finest ingredients, selecting those that would work together to strengthen the effect of each. Within three weeks of using the resulting product and taking herself off the topical prescriptions she had been applying, Rachel saw her rosacea disappear. Liz saw almost immediate reduction in the fine lines on her face. 

Deciding to share what they developed, they launched the Radical Skincare line in 2011. Today it includes a full line of products and is available in more than 800 luxury retail stores. On Sept. 1, Saks Fifth Avenue at Biltmore Fashion Park will be one of four Saks locations to host the launch of their newest product, Extreme Repair. The other stores are in Boca Raton, South Coast Plaza and San Francisco. The stores were chosen, Rachel says, because they are the best fit for the brand’s philosophy, which goes beyond skincare to inspire Radical Living. Rachel says they want to inspire women to go above and beyond and uncover their own Radical DNA. Extreme Repair will be available at all Radical Skincare retailers Nov. 1.

About 80 percent of women consider their skin to be sensitive and, therefore, they shy away from products they perceive to be harsh. What is “radical” about the Radical Skincare line is that it's aggressive skincare for sensitive skin. The pair have poured all of their financial investment into the product itself – as opposed to marketing, packaging and celebrity endorsements. It was developed to be the absolute best and to perform well on sensitive skin – like Rachel’s and Liz’s.

“When you consider what ages skin,” Rachel says, “free radicals are always at the top of the list. Antioxidants are the best defense.”

Racial Skincare’s combination of multiple antioxidants and anti-aging and soothing ingredients at maximum concentration, combined with acai, provides defense against free radicals, fighting oxidation due to stress, environment and harsh climate conditions.

Proteasomes, one of the skin’s natural systems responsible for eliminating oxidized proteins, wear with age, and the aging cells prevent cellular renewal. Radical Skincare uses Megassane, derived from a micro alga, to stimulate the proteasomes within skin cells.

Radical Skincare’s newest product, Extreme Repair, incorporates 18 multi-active ingredients to address a wide range of skin concerns. It combines 10 plant extracts and six bioactive molecules that together meet the needs of all skin types, including those exposed to extreme environmental and climactic conditions.

To learn more about Radical Skincare and Radical Living, CLICK HERE

At top, Rachel and Liz Edlich



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