Elegance, Un-Complicated




Every season brings an arsenal of

new skincare products and

makeup to try, but how do you

find your way through the bountiful

offerings to find which will work

for you?


Tim Quinn, celebrity face designer

and vice president of creative

artistry for Giorgio Armani Beauty,

visited Saks Fifth Avenue in

Phoenix on April 16 and shared

some of his makeup wisdom with azredbook.com.

Quinn is the U.S. front man for Giorgio Armani Beauty. Models trust him with their faces for photo shoots, and celebrities turn to him not only as their style guru, but also when it’s time to shine on the Red Carpet.

Armani has been in the makeup business for 14 years, entering the market at a time when many brands touted a step-by-step path to beauty. Armani, says Quinn, represents the reverse of that mentality. The Armani look, he says, is “very much about the elegance and more about the simplicity. He quotes Giorgio Armani’s oft-repeated wisdom: “Elegance is not about being noticed; it’s about being remembered.” But he adds, “That doesn’t mean it’s not complicated.”

We asked Quinn to help us un-complicate makeup and skincare.

Should we try to emulate what we see on the runway? What you see on the runway is meant to be an inspiration and not to be taken literally. Armani is not a trend-driven line, but when you see a trend you like, you have to interpret it for who you are, how you live. More and more, 50-plus women are looking like they’re 40, and what works for one person at a particular age won’t necessarily work for another. The fact that red lips are popular doesn’t mean you should dash out and buy the latest, brightest red you can find. A version of what you already wear will probably suit you better.

What new products should we consider?  Technology has and is changing the way cosmetics are manufactured, and more options are available today that weren’t available even just a few years ago. Armani has recently launched some new products worth considering.

  • · CC Cream  The last couple of seasons have been all about BB (Beauty Balm) cream. CC (Color Control) Cream is the next generation. While it is similar to BB cream, Armani’s Luminessence CC cream comes in eight color options. The product has quickly become insanely popular. If you wear CC cream to work out in the morning and then need to get dressed for work or to go out, it’s OK to layer your foundation over it.
  • · Maestro Fusion Makeup was added to the foundation lineup last year. The base contains lotus oil and has a very light texture.

    · Maestro Liquid Summer Bronzeur is new as well. The product has an SPF 15 and doesn’t have the tendency to look flat as do many powder bronzers.

These products are in addition to the line’s popular Luminous Silk Foundation, Maestro Foundation, Face Fabric Foundation and Designer Lift Foundation.

What can we do to look our best in photos, especially for a special occasion?

1. Take a full-length picture of yourself in what you plan to wear so you can see how much skin is revealed.

2. Allow extra time for your makeup.

3. Use foundation or a body makeup on uneven skin on parts of your body that will show – your arms, décolleté, back and legs.

4. Add more definition to the eye area. Use liner below the eye as well as above it.

5. Always use a highlighter around the top of the cheekbones and above the eyes.

6. Use a little deeper hue on the lip.

7. False lashes are the easiest thing to add, either individual lashes or a full set.

8. Don’t use sunblock for an evening event and use it sparingly for a daytime event that involves photography. Sunblock will make your skin look whiter in photos.

9. Spend extra time moisturizing before you apply your makeup. When you dehydrate, your skin looks flat.

What is the best thing we can do for ourselves as we age? It’s important to re-evaluate. People have a tendency to get stuck in a routine – the same haircut, the same makeup. We lose color as we age, and our skin tone and texture change. Achieving a “natural” look becomes harder. Don’t look to 20-somethings as role models. Look to people nearer your age who look good. Then you will realize you can do it too.

Try new products. There’s nothing wrong with dabbling. Sit down at the makeup counter and talk with a consultant.  He or she is there to help steer you to the right textures and colors. Take samples to try products at home.


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