Woman of Distinction


Lisa Urias has never been a Girl Scout, but

she's on board with the organization's mission

She’s never been a Girl Scout, but she’s leading the troops as she and her committee prepare for the organization’s signature fundraiser, Women & Young Women of Distinction. Lisa Urias, founder, president and CEO of Urias Communications in Phoenix, was honored with the Promise Award at last year’s Arizona Cactus-Pine Council’s luncheon and this year serves as its chair. The Girl Scouts are building leaders, Urias says, and she’s happy to lend her expertise and leadership to the cause of getting their message out.

The girls and young women are doing more than donning their green uniforms and selling cookies – though they still do that, too. Over the last several years, the Girl Scouts have made a concerted effort to raise awareness of the accomplishments of the young women who are in the organization and the role Girl Scouts plays in their lives. They also recognize community members, especially women, who serve as mentors to them.

Last year’s luncheon recognized a young woman who learned to use cow manure to create fuel and then took her project to Africa, implementing it there. This year, one of the young women being honored has been working on a program targeted toward teenagers who suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts.

Hearing the stories of these accomplished young people last year inspired Urias to serve as chair of the event this year. “The luncheon changed my perception of what the Girl Scouts are doing,” Urias says. “I felt like I had to get involved.”

As a communications specialist, Urias knows her demographics. “We have a large population of retirees in Arizona, and we have a very large population in the K-12 demographic. But we haven’t really invested in education. Over the years, many schools have cut back on physical education, art and music. We need organizations such as the Girl Scouts to fill some of these gaps. Learning how to navigate in nature is important, learning how to lead people, how to treat people and how to be agents of change are important.”

Urias has told her team at Urias Communications that they have to find inspiration in what they are doing for their clients. If not, she says, stop and find it. “It is not until you find meaning that you are really effective. I am inspired by these young women and by what the organization is doing.“

Women and Young Women of Distinction

The Nov. 15 Women and Young Women of Distinction promises to be fun, Urias says. The silent auction is filled with beautiful things – jewelry, wine baskets, gift items and more. The committee has been not only actively gathering silent auction items, but also selling sponsorships and tables.

This year, Urias and her committee have offered another dimension. They are trying to actively engage Girl Scout alumni. While many former Girl Scouts become involved as troop leaders, they don’t always realize they could also support the organization by buying a ticket to the luncheon or getting their former troop members together to buy a table at the luncheon. 

Connect with YOUR troop

To reunite with your former Girl Scout troop, CLICK HERE.

On Facebook? To check out the fun photos on the Girl Scouts-Arizona Cactus-Pine Council, Inc.’s Facebook page, CLICK HERE.


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