Voices & Vistas


(left) Committee members: Co-chair Effie Theodore, Tarianne Wachtel, Kate Arthur, and co-chair Caroline Higgins-Nallen

array(right) Boys of the Phoenix Boys Choir


Nearly 100 guests at Voices and Vistas on April 18, 2015, enjoyed a unique and

intimate dining experience in the breathtaking Sonoran desert. The fundraising

event was held at the home of composer and Frank Lloyd Wright architect

David E. Dodge in Taliesin West.


The evening began with sunset cocktails, continued with a serenade by the Phoenix Boys Choir and

concluded with multinational-inspired cuisine by Chef Vichai Karmakhan. Effie Theodore and

Caroline Higgins-Nallen chaired the event in support of the Phoenix Boys Choir’s musical

education and character building program.



(left) Dr. Will Hoskyns, Bob Machiz and Susan Bramhill Hoskyns

(middle) Alfredo Molina and Renee Dee

(right) David E. Dodge, Janie and Jim Maxwell


(left) Drs. John and Tarianne Wachtel

(middle) Adrienne and Charles Schiffner

(right) Dr. JB Payne and Joan Payne 


(left) Kristine and Rob McIver

(middle) Jim and Debra Larson

(right) Artistic Director Georg Stangelberger and co-chair Effie Theodore


(left) Tom Nallen and co-chair Caroline Higgins-Nallen

(right) Barbara Garganta, Jack and Marisue Garganta




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