Sunset Cocktails

In partnership with the Marine Corps

Scholarship Foundation, Melanie and

Rob Walton hosted a sunset cocktail

party at their Paradise Valley home

March 31 to celebrate the foundation’s

success in providing college

scholarships to children of Marines and

Navy Corpsmen.


Since 1962, the Scholarship Foundation has

awarded more than 33,000 scholarships valued

at $90,000,000, making it the oldest and largest

provider of need-based scholarship to military

children. Addressing more than 70 guests,

foundation President and CEO Margaret B.

Davis announced that a record 2,200 scholarships

were awarded across the nation for the 2014-

2015 academic year, including 90 scholarships to

students studying at Arizona colleges.

      At top, Melani and Rob Walton

      Bottom, Margaret B. Davis and Paradise Valley resident Deb Carstens

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