Summer Scrubs


High school students

get behind-the-scenes

look at med school


High school students are invited

to participate in an interactive learning experience that will give them a behind-the-scenes look into the life of a medical school student and the courses they take.

Summer Scrubs, beginning in June, is a weeklong camp during which participants will explore health care and medicine through hands-on learning activities, guest speaker presentations and discussions with medical students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.

Summer Scrubs in the new name for Med Start, a program in its 12th year that was developed to encourage Valley high school students to pursue their interest in the health-care professions.

Summer Scrubs is offering three sessions in June: The Healthcare Team, Explore Medical School Day Program and the Explore Medical School Residential Program.

“Summer Scrubs is a great opportunity to expose high school students to different health occupations and highlight how these various occupations work collaboratively with one another to make up the health-care team,” said Lexi Christopher, program coordinator with the Office of Admission and Recruitment.

The Healthcare Team session is ideal for ninth and 10th grade students who already know they want to do something in health care but aren’t sure exactly what that something is.

Explore Medical School programs are geared toward current 11th grade students who are interested in experiencing a week in the life of a medical school student and are interested in becoming physicians.



>> The Healthcare Team: June 8 – 12

>> Explore Medical School Day Program: June 15 – 19

>> Explore Medical School Residential Program: June 21 – 26


All participants in the Summer Scrubs program, regardless of the session, will experience hands-on activities with staff from the Center for Simulation and Experiential Learning, learn from faculty at the Gross Anatomy Lab, and listen to guest speakers share what they do and how they got to where they are. Participants will also learn from various medical doctors and students.

The Healthcare Team session will also hear from physician assistants, nurses and others.

Summer Scrubs is also offering an Explore Medical School Residential Program for 11th grade students. Preference for this session is given to residents outside of Maricopa County; however, those who reside in Phoenix may still apply.

Patty Hamilton, coordinator of outreach initiatives within the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, is in her third year with the summer program. “It is so rewarding to see young students challenged to try new things and be in new situations,” she said. “They dive right in and walk out with an experience unlike any other.”



Applications for Summer Scrubs opened Jan. 21. The deadline is March 11, 2015. Interested students may apply and get more information HERE.


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