St. Joseph’s Toy Drive



Hospital seeking donations

to brighten holidays for

young patients


It’s the time of year for holiday cheer,

but for children visiting the hospital

it can be a time of overwhelming fear.



A brand-new toy has the power to transform a scary hospital visit into a fun and happy experience for a youngster. 

The St. Joseph’s Toy Drive was created to bring joy to children when they need and deserve it most – during the holiday season.

Toys collected through the St. Joseph’s Toy Drive are given to hundreds of children passing through the doors of St. Joseph’s Hospital and Barrow Neurological Institute throughout the holidays – either on their way to the emergency room, a pediatric clinic or for treatment at the Barrow Cleft and Craniofacial Center.

Members of the community are invited to bring donations of gift cards, unopened toys and infant-care items in original packaging to the main entrance of St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center.

For a complete wish list of gift ideas, or to make a financial donation in lieu of a toy, CLICK HERE.


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