Ryan House Breakfast Kickoff


A winner on the field, Diamondbacks

chief baseball officer Tony LaRussa

needs two hands to display the

championship rings he has earned

as a manager. In fact,

considering his out-of-the-ballpark

baseball success, the Hall of Famer

would need to borrow a couple of

additional hands to display all of his

gold-and-diamond hardware.


As a winner off the field, he is lending his

leadership skills to Ryan House, an Arizona nonprofit

organization that provides short-term pediatric respite

and palliative care to help give families a break from

the daily routine and stress of home care.


On Feb. 17 at a kickoff breakfast at Salt River Fields, the organization officially announced LaRussa as the honorary chair for its May 6, 2015, Ryan House Community Breakfast “Team Ryan.”

Fifty guests turned out for the early morning event, where community and high school baseball and softball programs were invited to get involved and promote the breakfast by joining Team Ryan. LaRussa offered an incentive to the table captain who raises the most funds: tickets to a Diamondback game in a suite for 20 people. He also offered an incentive to the high school baseball or softball team that raises the most money: personal time with himself and the Diamondbacks coaching staff.

The seventh annual Ryan House Community Breakfast will provide guests the opportunity to learn more about Ryan House and hear stories about the inspiring work being done by the organization for children with life-threatening medical conditions.

Learn more about Ryan House HERE


(left) Alyssa Crockett, Ryan House executive director

(right) Taylor and Bob Guthrie, Paul Weiser and Tony LaRussa



(left) Evan and Larry Cohen

(right) De Jon Watson, D-backs senior vice president of baseball operations; David Royer and Jeff Royer, D-backs general partner



(left) Kate and John Birchler

(right) Amy Heims and Tony LaRussa



(left) Jonathan and Holly Cottor with their son Ryan, who inspired Ryan House, and Karrie and Jim Pierson with their daughter Caroline

(right) Taylor and Harrison More



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