President’s Club Kickoff


Arizona State University President’s

Club kicked off its 30th season Oct. 8.

The evening recognized the club’s

founders and celebrated their vision

in creating an organization that ASU

President Michael Crow called “one

of the most important things ASU

has going.”


Ira C. Fulton with ASU Fulton Ambassadors




The evening also afforded an opportunity

to partner with the Ira A. Fulton School of

Engineering to showcase the work being

carried out by ASU’s engineering faculty

and students, particularly the Fulton

Undergraduate Research Initiative.    


Paul C. Johnson, dean of the Ira C. Fulton School of Engineering and professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment




Students from the Ira C. Fulton School of Engineering  













ASU President Crow addresses members of the President's Club. 









College Avenue Commons, ASU's new home to the Del E. Webb School of Construction













A student trio greets the guests



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