Pediatric Cancer Foundation


After losing their daughter, Ava, at age 5 to stage 4 neuroblastoma, Chrisie and Nick Funari founded Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children, a nonprofit committed to supporting clinical research, funding new treatment options for children and assisting patients and their families who have been affected by pediatric cancer.

“After seeing Ava go through three-and-a-half years of very toxic treatments and realizing how greatly underfunded pediatric cancer is, we want to spotlight the need for clinical research,” says Chrisie Funari, president and founder of Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children. “Shockingly, in the past 20 years, only one new drug has been developed specifically for pediatric cancer. We are working to increase funding and research and in turn, expand treatment options for children.”

At just 18 months old, Ava was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma. Due to the severity of it, she endured more toxic treatments than most adult cancer patients. Her treatments included major abdominal surgery to remove her initial tumor, three brain surgeries, port and dialysis catheter placement, major dental work, high-dose chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. She also underwent various experimental treatments, a vaccine trial, dialysis, multiple blood transfusions each week and three major scans and bone marrow biopsies every two to three months. Due to the extreme nature of her treatments, her teeth slowly disintegrated and her kidneys eventually failed, shutting down her body.


We started this organization to help Arizona families fight the battle of pediatric cancer


“After what our family endured from Ava’s loss, we started this organization to help Arizona families fight the battle of pediatric cancer,” added Funari. “Our efforts will create hope for other families and ultimately bring life-saving treatments.”

 Both Chrisie and Nick Funari have marketing backgrounds, and experience in business-to-business relationships. The couple will use their expertise to partner with local and national corporations, and doctors and researchers to grow support for cutting-edge cancer research, as well as create awareness of the impact this disease has on the United States.

 Part of the funds raised by ACFC will assist families with unforeseen travel expenses. Through the organization’s Travel Assistance Program, available January 2015, ACFC will help support Arizona families who need to travel for out-of-state treatments. People can make donations to the Travel Assistance Program by providing support for a variety of expenses. including airfare, ground transportation, lodging and food. The public can also sponsor a child in four different package options ranging from $250 to $2,500.

 Individuals, who have a passion to support pediatric cancer research, can donate or volunteer for the cause through the organization’s website. To learn more about ACFC or become a corporate partner, sponsor a child or make a tax-deductible donation, call 480-350-7055 or CLICK HERE.


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