Oh, Baby!



Bornean organgutan Bess

gives birth at Phoenix Zoo


Phoenix Zoo has announced the birth of a baby boy Bornean orangutan. The baby was born Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 2, to mother Bess and father Michael. The newborn is the second baby born to the couple, joining 8-year-old sister Kasih. The baby has not yet been named.

Mom and baby appear to be doing well and are spending time bonding in their night house. The pair will stay in this area while keepers and veterinary staff closely monitor them to determine Bess is recovering from the delivery and the baby is healthy. The baby has been seen opening his eyes and nursing while in the tight, protective arms of his mother. Zookeepers expect the pair to move out to exhibit in the next few days but do not have an exact date for that at this time. Daniel, an 8-year-old orangutan who came to Phoenix Zoo from Cleveland also inhabits the orangutan exhibit.



The Bornean orangutan is listed as “Endangered” and scientists estimate that wild orangutans could be extinct in five to 10 years if their forest habitat continues to be destroyed at the current rate. Forests in Borneo and Sumatra are being destroyed to grow palm oil, which is used in countless snack foods, household cleaning supplies and cosmetics. Phoenix Zoo contributes to Bornean orangutan conservation efforts through the Phoenix Zoo Conservation & Science Grants Program, specifically working with HUTAN, to provide assistance for reforestation of protected areas for orangutans. HUTAN is a French organization established in 1996 to study orangutans in Malaysian Borneo.

You can help reduce demand for unsustainably harvested palm oil by purchasing products that use certified sustainable palm oil and supporting the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.

For more information, CLICK HERE.



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