Hope in the Face of AIDS


The eighth annual Hope in the Face of AIDS took place April 19 at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown. More than 250 guests gathered at the International Alliance for the Prevention of AIDS gala to help stop the spread of HIV and AIDS in India.

Nina Davuluri, the 2014 Miss America – and the first of Indian descent – spoke about the importance of working on a global level. As Miss America, Davuluri has logged 20,000 miles per month traveling around the country to address an array of audiences on her platform, Celebrating Diversity through Cultural Competency.

Several Arizona community leaders were honored for their contributions in the fight against HIV/AIDS at the gala. Brian Helander received the Hope in the Face of AIDS Award, Russ Haan the Global Alliance Award, Barb Brados the International Child’s Life Award and Megan Allen the Hope Hero Award as the outstanding student volunteer.

The evening featured dinner, a silent auction and an Indian Bazaar. The $100,000-plus proceeds benefit IAPA’s educational initiatives in Indian schools and communities. Valley residents R. Scott Harnisch and Mary Ellen Page co-chaired the evening.

Left, co-chairs R. Scott Harnisch and Mary Ellen Page with 2014 Miss America Nina Davuluri





Co-founder of IAPA Eric Hamm with Miss America Nina Davuluri 

Co-founder Sanjay P. Sinha with his wife, Laura, and Miss America Nina Davuluri



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