Evening of Song


5 Arts Circle hosts

AZ Opera’s Rhea Miller


Arizona Opera’s Rhea Miller performed

at “An Evening of Song," a 5 Arts Circle 

event held Dec. 9. Rhea performed art

songs and aria excerpts from upcoming

productions of Rigoletto, The Daughter

of the Regiment and The Magic Flute in

which she will debut the role of Papagena.


The event was held in the home of Deborah and Richard Cookson, who are members of 5 Arts Circle. The organization will host about two dozen private member events this 2014-2015 arts season (Nov. through April). Membership fees are distributed among five premiere Valley arts groups – Arizona Opera, Ballet Arizona, The Phoenix Symphony, Phoenix Art Museum and Scottsdale Cultural Council.

Learn more about 5 Arts Circle HERE.



(left) Accompanist Aimee Fincher

array(right) Rhea Miller


(left) Mickey and Stella Saperstein

array(right) Pat and Phil Turberg


Deborah Cookson, Rhea Miller, Richard Cookson and Aimee Fincher


(left) Steve Rosskam and Gretchen Wilson

array(right) Mickey Saperstein, Neale Perl, and Makenna and Mike Albrecht


(left) Mary and Dave Patino, Rhea Miller and Aimee Fincher

array(right) Merle Rosskam and Judy Wolf




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